This workshop will explore how artificial intelligence can contribute to solving social problems. For example, what role can AI play in promoting health, access to opportunity, and sustainable development? How can AI initiatives be deployed in an ethical, inclusive, and accountable manner? To address such questions, this workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners across artificial intelligence and a range of application domains. The objective is to share the current state of research and practice, explore directions for future work, and create opportunities for collaboration. The workshop will feature a mix of invited talks, contributed talks, and posters. Submissions spanning the full range of theoretical and applied work are encouraged. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Submissions are due May 12, AoE, via EasyChair. We solicit papers in two categories:
Research papers describing novel contributions in either the development of AI techniques (motivated by societal applications), or their deployment in practice. Both work in progress and recently published work will be considered. Submissions describing recently published work should clearly indicate the earlier venue and provide a link to the published paper. Papers in this category should be at most 4 pages, with one additional page containing only references.
Position papers describing open problems or neglected perspectives on the field, proposing ideas for bringing computational methods into a new application area, or summarizing the focus areas of a group working on AI for social good. Papers in this category should be at most 3 pages, with one additional page containing only references.
All papers should be submitted in IJCAI format. The workshop will not have a formal published proceedings, but we will provide links to accepted papers along with the program. Accepted papers will be selected for oral and poster presentation based on peer review. Submissions are not double-blind; the submitted paper should include author names and affiliations.